Understanding Muscle Types
Muscles can be a difficult thing to understand when you are new in the training and fitness industry, but once you have grasped a better understanding of muscles, you will be more inclined to vary your training sessions accordingly.
Almost 50% of the weight of your body is comprised of muscle tissue and these muscle tissues fall into three distinct groups. These types are the skeletal muscles, the cardiac muscles and the smooth muscles and each of these three types have various functions in the body which allow you to walk and move all the limbs in the way they should move.
Muscular strength tries to get you to understand the basics behind all the muscle types as well as improve them.
How do muscles work?
The body is comprised of three types of muscles and all three of these muscles play a different role. These three muscle types are the cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles, but in a later article, you will see in depth how these work and what their functions are. For now, let’s have a look at how muscles work to allow you optimal movement.
Muscles are not only comprised of the cells we call muscle tissues; they are also attached to one another in the form of tendons and also attached to bones in the form of ligaments. These minor attachments are generally more fragile than the muscle itself and when you injure or tear a muscle, the chances are much more likely that you have torn a ligament or tendon.
The tendons and ligaments are there to help your muscles move and since the bones in your body are like dead weight, the ligaments will also help them to move. Ligaments are really important in the body as they are known to hold the bones together and also allow the joints to move much better.
The difference between slow and fast twitch muscle fibers
- Slow twitch fibers: Slow twitch fibers are smaller than fast twitch fibers and there are also more of them in the body. These fibers go hand in hand with resiliency and they will improve every time you train. These fibers are also not the best for building muscle.
- Fast twitch fibers: Fast twitch fibers are much larger than their slow twitch counterparts and they are also not uses that often. Fast twitch fibers are only activated when slow twitch fibers are fatigued, but these are fundamental in allowing you to grow.
As you might have noticed, activating your fast twitch muscles are important when working out and they will lead to better and faster growth. This means that you will need to have less rest in order to activate them.
We would like to thank you for reading this article and we hope that you now have a better understanding of the different muscle types and fibers. We at Muscular Strength have dedicated our research into helping you develop all of these muscles to their optimal potential.
We would like any medical professionals to let us know what you think of this article and if we might have missed any of the details regarding the muscle types.